Youve got head lice, now what?

Head Lice! What now?

Panic! Disgust! Disbelief! You’ve just found out you or someone you love has head lice and now you’re in a state of shock. How did this happen? Where did it come from? What do I do now?

These are normal thoughts which race through the minds of those who realize they now have to deal with a lice problem, but i’m here to assure you the solution is straightforward and effective.

With just a little bit of learning and by using our head lice treatment procedure, you and your loved ones will be free of lice in no time!

So try to relax and center (maybe grab an extra hot oat milk latte and gluten free scone), because stressing just makes the entire ordeal worse. Get yourself in a happy place because you’re about to become a head louse slaying master in a matter of minutes. By the time you close this web site, you should know what head lice is, how to get rid of them, and what to do to make sure they don’t come back.